City of Wayland

Important Alert

Boards & Commissions

Boards and Commissions are comprised of members who are appointed by City Council for a specific role or project. boards and Commissions are both advisory and administrative. They deliberate and make recommendations to City Council which may or may not be adopted, and they also make some decisions themselves when acting in a quasi-judicial manner. For example, the Board of Review and Zoning Board of Appeals are decision making boards. However, Planning Commission and the Downtown Development Authority serve in more of an advisory role, coming up with policies or ideas and presenting them to council to be adopted. 

The six Boards and Commissions for the City of Wayland are the Board of Review, Downtown Development Authority, Officers’ Compensation Commission, Planning Commission, Tree Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals. If you are appointed, you will receive an orientation packet explaining your role and the opportunity to attend various training sessions throughout the year to further your knowledge of your Board of Commission. 

The Mayor also has the opportunity to appoint members from the City of Wayland to the Henika District Library Board and the Allegan County 911 Policy and Procedure Board. You may also apply for those positions, although the City is not directly involved in governing these boards. .  

Any citizen is welcome to apply to join Boards and Commissions. Simply fill out the application below to get the process started! 

Boards and Commissions Application

Application Process

1. The standard application form is available on the City’s website or at the City Hall. 

2. Interested applicants (or nominations for consideration) must complete an application and deliver it or mail it to City Hall. 

3. Applicants should review the purpose, skills, and meeting schedule before applying. The purpose and skills are part of the application, and the meeting schedule is available at City Hall or on the website. 

4. Applicants will be kept on file for consideration for part of the calendar year they are received and two full calendar years after that. If a sudden vacancy occurs, your application may be reconsidered. 

5. Applicants will be contacted each January to determine whether they are still interested and to verify their current phone number and email. 

Important Dates

Early January:
Staff will poll current Board and Commission members who are eligible for reappointment to see if they are interested in continuing to serve. 

Public notices for vacancies are posted, and applications are received. 

February 1:
Applications are due 

The following week in February:
Staff reviews applications

2nd City Council meeting in February:
Recommendations provided in City Council packets and acted upon

End of February:
Congratulate applicants and notify all applicants considered who were not appointed. 

Early March:
Orientation session held for new appointees