City of Wayland

Important Alert

Community Plans

Master Plan

 A Master Plan is a five year document that outlines the future growth and development of the City of Wayland. The plan addresses land use, infrastructure, and nonmotorized transportation, along with updated zoning, and a plan for how the City will continue to move forward.

Master Plan 2023

Master Plan 2015

Downtown Development Authority Plan

Downtown is often viewed as the focal point of a community; it is an indicator of economic health and serves as a gathering place. In order to outline how the City of Wayland will continue to grow the downtown area, the below plans represent the work of the Downtown Development Authority and how they will be working to improve the designated area.

Downtown Development Authority and Tax Increment Financing Report
Downtown Development Authority Boundary Map
Wayland Main Street Website
2020-2021 Main Street Work Plan

Capital Improvements Plan

 The Capital Improvements plan is a six year timeline outlining the budgeted public property and infrastructure improvements. Here you’ll find what roads are scheduled to be redone, what park equipment will be replaced, and what projects will be done to improve the water and sewer systems, among other projects.

Capital Improvements Plan

Public Participation Plan

Have you wanted to get more involved with the City of Wayland but aren’t sure how? The below guide is an outline of all of the opportunities that are offered to participate, whether through commenting at a public meeting to design workshops to surveys, we want to hear from you!

Public Participation Plan