City of Wayland

Important Alert


Welcome to the City of Wayland. We offer our residents information regarding important and useful things in our City.

We have a calendar outlining our schedule and upcoming events. Feel free to take a look and stay up to date with meetings schedules and activities.

The Chamber of Commerce is an independent, private, non-profit organization financed by its members to promote business and advocate on their behalf. It is not a government agency and is autonomous from the City of Wayland.

Since 2016, we have had the ability to distribute dog licenses! For more information, click Dog Licenses on the left-hand menu.

Our Downtown on Main street is a great place to get involved, experience our city, and do business. Check out Downtown Wayland.

The City of Wayland does NOT provide grass clipping or yard waste disposal services. Research recommends that clippings be left on the lawn to absorb back into the soil or composted with other natural yard waste. Michigan State Law prohibits yard waste in landfills, so please do not place grass clippings in your trash cart.

Henika District Library is our local library in Wayland. Learn more about the library and its events on the library’s website.

Recycling is important to the City of Wayland and we offer information on how and when to recycle on the Recycling page.

The City of Wayland makes it a priority to be transparent about where your tax money goes. Read about how your tax dollars are being used to impact our community under Tax Information on the left-hand menu.

Schools are building into our future generations! Learn about Wayland schools in our area at