City of Wayland

Important Alert


The Assessor’s Office has the responsibility of appraising all real and personal property located within the City of Wayland.  This office is also responsible for land splits and combinations, property transfer affidavits, homestead exemption affidavits, and name and mailing address changes.  The Assessor’s Office provides information for the public by maintaining subdivision plat maps and property record cards for each parcel of land.  The Assessor reviews and updates property records annually to reflect changes that occur to individual properties as well as conduct the March Board of Review for the purpose of allowing the taxpayers of Wayland to protest the coming year’s proposed assessments. 

We are available to assist you with your property tax questions at City Hall on Tuesday mornings from 9am to 11 am or call 269-792-2265 for assistance.

City Assessor

Grey Castello
office: 269-792-2265 or cell: 269-205-3726


Online Parcel Card Data Information Allegan County