City of Wayland

Important Alert

In City Rate (from/to) Outside City Rate (from/to)
Commodity Charge Commodity Charge
Water  August Bill $3.09/1,000 Gals Water August Bill $4.64/1,000 Gals
Water Sept. Bill $3.19/1,000 Gals Water Sept. Bill $4.78/1,000 Gals
Sewer August Bill $5.50/1,000 Gals Sewer August Bill $8.25/1,000 Glas
Sewer Sept. Bill $6.00/1,000 Gals Sewer Sept. Bill $9.00/1,000 Gals
RTS Fees In City Rate RTS Fees Outside City Rate
Water Water
August Bill $15.45 August Bill $23.18
Sept. Bill $15.92 Sept. Bill $23.88
Sewer Sewer
August Bill $23.00 August Bill $34.50
Sept. Bill $26.00 Sept. Bill $39.00

Please Contact City Hall if you have any questions (269)792-2265